Lucky seven

Yesterday was our 7th wedding anniversary. We got married in 2000 specifically so that in later years, when Freddie asks me “how long have we been married?” I can kick him in the nuts.

Friends of ours (who just got engaged over the weekend!!!) came over to watch TV while Jillian slept upstairs and Freddie and I went to dinner. I ate far too much, but it was nice to get out and have dinner out after 5 PM! If we go out with The Jillian, we go early to avoid any meltdowns.

Seven years is a long time for a marriage these days. Indeed, the friends who got married the week before us have been divorced for quite some time, and the friends who got married a couple of weeks after we did are currently hammering out their divorce settlement.

It can’t be easy, being married to me. Maybe I can arrange for Freddie to get the Congressional Medal of Honor as a testament to his insane bravery in taking me on.

Because, you see, I managed to win the Husband Lottery. Granted, it has taken a few years of training to get him to the level he’s at today, but I hear people bitch and moan about their spouses all the time and I thank my lucky stars that mine gives me relatively little to complain about. Oh, we have our differences and our spats, but on balance, we have pretty smooth sailing.


Filed under Freddie, Me Me Me

3 Responses to Lucky seven

  1. congratulations!
    7 year itch is called that for a reason – it’s pretty much the “make or break” line for most relationships. seems like most marriages are breaking way before that line though these days.
    we’re going on 10 years….but i attribute that to the fact that we aren’t married. 😉

  2. rachel

    I told him he could get another wife if he wanted one (God knows *I* could use a wife!!) but after watching “Big Love,” he’s not so interested. 🙂

  3. We got married in 2000 specifically so that in later years, when Freddie asks me “how long have we been married?” I can kick him in the nuts.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. My husband and I were married in 2005, so hopefully my husband will never forget.

    Ummm.. The title of the medal really isn’t the “Congressional Medal of Honor.” It is just called the Medal of Honor. (A pet peeve of my father’s.)