Category Archives: House

This is why I don’t do housework very often

My oven is a piece of crap. It’s actually a very swanky stainless-steel double oven, and retails for a serious chunk o’change, but the people we bought this house from apparently didn’t know how to take care of their shit, so the oven, which is less than 4 years old, is… bleh. I’m just so tired of sighing and rolling my eyes over the apparent disregard those people had for what is in reality a very nice kitchen.

So the oven is gross. We lived in our townhouse for three years and I cleaned the oven exactly ONCE (the week we moved out, actually). But this place? We’ve been here 8 months and I am cleaning the oven for the THIRD TIME. I’m sort of grossed out by it.

The first time I cleaned it was because the oven desperately needed it. It was truly foul. So I used the self-cleaning function… to absolutely no effect. Consternation ensued. By the way, when one is in a state of consternation, do you say that one is ‘consterned?’ Find out and get back to me. I’m sure I know this, but it’s early.

The second time I cleaned it, I went all Dow Chemical on it’s ass. I got out the rubber gloves, the Easy-Off (a misnomer if ever there was one, or else my oven is just really foul and dirty), and a bucket and went to town on it. That actually had some effect, and, aside from the lingering chemical smell that gave me a headache for two weeks (unscented MY ASS), the oven got relatively clean.

Then, of course, I had to go experiementing with the cooking, and my chicken pot pie sort of overflowed a bit. I’m blaming the biscuit top, since I made drop biscuits instead of rolled biscuits and those things tend to be a bit on the heavy side. So it overflowed a bit, we all suffered from some smoke inhalation, but the food was good.

So now I’m cleaning the oven again. The problem here is that it’s morning, and my brain simply does not function well in the morning. I hit my stride around 1 PM, but no matter. I got Jillian her breakfast, made coffee, and thought “Hey! Let’s clean the oven NOW, and get it over with before it gets warm out!”

What a good idea!

Except not.

I pressed all the buttons and got my coffee together and sat at the table while Jillian had her breakfast. Then I smelled it. Oops. Little cloudy in here, eh? Turn on fans, open windows (it’s chilly), blah blah blah. Extra bonus points for me because the smoke alarm didn’t go off as it so often does when the oven is involved!

Yuck. I went in to check the progress and noticed that the bottom oven display said “2:34” meaning two hours and thirty-four minutes of cleaning time left. Puzzled, I looked at the top display that said “8:11.”

Hmmm. I’m not cleaning the top oven, so why would it say something about EIGHT HOURS?


A bit later, I went in to refill my coffee and noticed the bottom display said “2:09” and the top display now read “8:39.” WTF? Stumped!


That top display? IS THE CLOCK.

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Filed under House, Me Me Me

Idiot superhero


I am retarded.

I went for a nice quick run/walk through the neighborhood this morning. It was lovely. Then I changed clothes (I won’t shower until I’m done being sweaty for the day), gathered up my shopping bags and list, and headed out the door….

With my keys locked in the house!!

Since I am anti-cellphone, my phone was also in the house. Freddie was long-gone on his way down the shore, and is the only other person who has a key.

I was locked out. Again. This has happened before, but Freddie was on his way home so it was no biggie. This time? Hmmm. Uh oh.

So. Even though I’ve locked myself out before, I never seemed to get around to putting a key outside, and I was feeling really stupid for about thirty seconds.

Then I noticed that one of our bedroom windows was open. Could I break into my own house? I’m sure I could. However, the windows are small and placed rather high (like 7 feet from the ground) and I am big and not nearly strong enough to rock the kind of pull-up it would take to hoist my fat ass through the window.

So what’s a chubby girl to do? I’ll tell you. I took one of the patio chairs and stood on it. Hmm. Still not quite tall enough. Then I spotted the solution! Our patio set came with footstools, so I piled one of them onto the chair and it seemed like it would be enough.

Good thing the screen wasn’t locked – I stuck a thumb under it and raised it up!

Keep in mind that the window opening is roughly 24 inches wide by about 12, MAYBE 14 inches high. And I am not a small lady. I have tendonitis in BOTH wrists, which means I can’t support a lot of weight on my hands. And I have a lot of weight to support, yo.

On top of this, I am NOT athletic, and I spent all day yesterday hoeing up my garden, hauling bags of topsoil and generally trying to kill myself. I AM SORE.

But, with grace born of desperation, I hauled my fat ass up through the window, managed to reach the dresser (so I didn’t have to fall on my face – a reasonable fear), and got in the house with very little injury. I am absolutely amazed that I didn’t break the window or my leg or anything else!

I closed AND LOCKED the window, got my keys, and headed out. Now I think I need a nap because that’s enough adventure for one day, wouldn’t you say?

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Filed under House, Me Me Me

My green thumbs

I have big plans for my yard. Last week, I planted a bunch of wildflower seeds in the front, and when I checked them yesterday, some had sprouted!

Yesterday was a very busy day – we got up, fed The Jillian, and made coffee while we decided which lawnmower to buy. I was minding my own business with my coffee when The Jillian came up with a tennis ball in her hand.

“Ball!” she said.
“That’s right, that’s a ball.” I always try to reinforce what she’s saying. Except for those times when she says “Shit!” This happens more often than it should, really, but I’m hoping that by not making a big deal out of it, she will never figure out that SHIT is fun to say!

So, like I said, I’m minding my own business with my coffee and then it happens. The chubby hand curved around the fuzzy chartreuse orb moves with steady purpose toward the end table. Before I can even react, PLOP! Tennis ball in the coffee.


I survived. We went to the big hardware store and bought a lawn mower, a weed wacker, and some gardening stuff. Freddie surprised us all by getting the lawn mower assembled without me having to go out and read the instructions to him all sarcastically. He mowed the front yard while I dealt with a nutso baby person who wasn’t interested in lunch and preferred a nap instead.

I am never one to argue with unexpected naptime, so I dumped her in the crib and headed outside to start my tomato seeds and think really hard about what else should go in the open space of my front garden.

Plus, I mowed the back yard. Keep in mind that it hadn’t been mowed since last… November? Maybe? So the grass was a leeeeeetle big higher than it otherwise might have been. Plus, the landscapers put down some topsoil/fertilizer/grass seed mixture on the [many] bare patches out there so it was sort of like mowing the surface of the moon.

Because Freddie is an odd human being, we have a lawn mower with a bag attachment. Because the grass was SO high, I had to stop and empty the bag SEVEN TIMES. How irritating this is, I cannot tell you. I would just be getting into a mowing groove when I’d have to stop and take off the bag, get grass all over myself, and start again.

Good times.

Eventually, the entire backyard was mowed (mown? Did I just make that up?), the grass was bagged, and then Freddie went to work with the weed wacker. As much as I love power tools and construction equipment and stuff that makes REALLY LOUD NOISE, I have a phobia of the weed wacker – I’m pretty sure it wants to chop my feet off.

Once the greenery was taken care of, we pushed some sand around on the patio and Freddie hung the birdhouse that my dad made for me. On Wednesday, the patio furniture is being delivered and we’ll be able to actually spend time outside in our yard without rolling our eyes and heaving great big sighs over the pitiful state of the grass.

It’s a good thing, too – we’re poor again and cannot afford to go out so we’d better enjoy our Very Expensive Yard to the utmost!!

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Filed under Freddie, House, Jillian

Home-Improvement hilarity

We have a patio! After roughly a week (including two full days when nobody was out there working on it), a portion of the backyard was chopped up and replaced with paving stones. A portion of the fence was moved, and some topsoil/grass seed/fertilizer mix was put down in the backyard. It is no longer the lumpy wasteland it was when we moved in! Hurrah!

We also have a driveway! The disintegrating asphalt was pulled up, a portion of the front yard was peeled back, and after a few terse phone calls to the paving company, the asphalt was put down and is currently roped off. We had to call the landscapers to come get the huge giant dirt pile the pavers had left, but the landscaper is a stand-up guy and didn’t charge us for this service. Yay, because we have given him quite enough money already.

The front garden has been pulled out, and this Sunday I plan to put stuff in the ground. Maybe. Saturday is Passover and we are having between 8 and 12 people, so all day will be given over to that, but Sunday, weather permitting, will be a big outside improvement day.

Photos to come, maybe.

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Filed under House

March Sucks

Bleh. I… don’t even have anything coherent to say. This rain and greyness and ick are just making my brain feel like mush.

Maybe this will improve when we get the house painted – the living room is a cave right now which is NOT HELPING. I hate when I have to turn the lights on in the middle of the day. Once we change colors in here, it should be a LOT brighter.

Until then, bleh.

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Filed under House

Let’s see…

Hi! Remember me?

We’ve been busy here, what with the sniffles turning into the barfy flu or somesuch. Everyone is feeling better now, thanks to huge amounts of water and green tea and the judicious use of generic Mucinex.

Jillian dove head-first into a dining room chair late last week, which produced a cut on her eye and a fantastic bruise on her eyelid, which makes her look like she’s halfway through some kind of Goth makeover.

This happened because she was wearing a cute outfit, and I thought it might be cute to get her pictures taken in it. Ten minutes after I had this thought, BAM! Into the chair she went. So I am officially telling the universe that we are NOT getting pictures done anytime soon. The last time I had planned to get them done, she went face-first in the driveway and wrecked her face BUT GOOD.

I almost can’t take her out anywhere when she’s had a crash because I get disapproving stares from all the old ladies. Don’t they remember having a toddler? Crashing is what they do.

As an added bonus, Jillian is genetically related to both my mother and myself, so I’m amazed every single day that she can even walk upright. Of course, Jillian does everything she can to NOT walk upright. Today’s favorite activity had her putting a dishtowel over her head, spinning around in a circle, and then attempting to run. She’s not even 2 years old yet and she’s playing stupid frat games. Sweet.

We have finally scheduled the painter for the living room/dining room/kitchen. All I have to do is finalize the color scheme (and a scheme is definitely what it will be), then vacate the premises for a few days. Toddlers + interior painting in April = ick. We shall decamp to my parents’ house for the week, where Jillian will charm everyone silly and hopefully NOT kill any of the pets.

Freddie gave me my birthday present a month early. We are not good with delayed gratification (we’re both Aries), but that’s okay. He got me a Wii!!!! It’s so cool! The controls take some getting used to, but it is super fun. Tennis and bowling are big favorites here!

So other than that, everything else is situation normal: super-boring. But boring is good, because it means there’s no DRAMA!! And we hate the drama.

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Filed under House, Jillian

You want to do what? Where?

In anticipation of our tax refund (and it should be fairly healthy, given that I didn’t have a job in all of 2006 and we bought the new house), we are about to embark on at least three simultaneous home-improvment projects.

Project #1 is paint. The living/dining room of this house is a horrible, horrible dark khaki-ish color. In a smaller room, it might work well, but in here, it’s just toooooo muuuuuuch, and too dark. The light gets sucked into the walls and it’s like a cave in here. Add on the fact that it’s winter and I have those idiotic compact fluorescents in all the lamps… it’s dark, man. It’s the same color as the carpet, and while I’m okay with the carpet being that color (it… hides stains), the whole room being this shiteous brown is really depressing.

I am going to paint the majority of the walls a very nice buttery cream color. It’s warm and bright without being white, yellow, or [shudder] beige. It is somehow all of these colors at once, which is fine by me. For fun and to break it up a little, I’m painting a couple of the walls a lovely bottle-green color. This way, it will look pretty but not clash TOO terribly much with my awesome purple furniture which I cannot afford to replace just now.

At some point I am going to have to think very hard about window furnishings like drapes and stuff, but I’m not sure the budget will allow for that at the present time. The brown tab-tops and beige sheers I got at Target will have to suffice for now, and luckily for me, they will go just fine with the paint I have picked out.

I was trying to avoid painting the kitchen, too, but since we have to have the [vaulted] ceiling painted, we might as well do the ceiling in the kitchen while we’re at it. And if we’re doing that, we might as well paint the walls in the kitchen. Right now they are a not-unpleasant blue, but the cabinetry is a dark reddish wood, so the kitchen is even more cave-like than the living room is. I’m going to go with a very light, almost white, green and then do the trim in a more interesting green. Eventually, I’d like to do a mosaic backsplash around the work surface area, but that’s crazy-expensive, and again – not in the budget right now.

Outside, even more interesting things are happening. We are going widen our driveway so we can park the cars side-by-side, then we’re going to move the fence up, enclose the porch, and put pavers down to create a patio area. In a couple of years, we might just lose our minds completely and bump out the whole section of the kitchen wall and create a nice dining area there and put a deck off of it.

Not this year, because I don’t think my head could take it, but definitely in the next five years.

We are also considering the possibility of putting a second floor on the back of the house. The front part would stay the way it is because I don’t think anyone wants to mess with a vaulted ceiling, but we could slap a second level onto the back, which would be very nice. We could make the whole thing a GIANT MASTER SUITE or we could have a couple of bedrooms up there and free up some of the rooms downstairs for a playroom/sewing room or whatever. We’ve got lots of possibilities and plenty of time, since This Is Where We Live Now.

It’s funny, thinking that. In the dozen years that Freddie and I have been together, anyplace we have lived has always been temporary. First it was a crappy college apartment witha roommate. Then it was a crappy and Oh My God How Tiny post-college apartment with the most awesome 1970’s turquoise appliances. Then we lived in Indy, then our teeny apartment in Metuchen, then the slightly larger apartment across the courtyard in Metuchen, then the gigantic apartment in North Brunswick, then the townhouse, and now here. Until we got here, we always viewed our residence as “this will do until we get a bigger apartment/buy a townhouse/buy a house.”

Well, now we’ve bought the house. It has all the things we wanted in a house. It has the three bedrooms we wanted. It has a basement. It has a yard. It’s in a town with good schools and a train station. Everything. Of course, the house itself is quirky (if we’re being charitable) but that’s a good thing because the things that need to be repaired/upgraded can be done to our standards. Fun! But it’s weird that we no longer look at this as temporary. We’re not just living here for a couple years until we upgrade to a bigger house. This Is Our House, and the long-term plans are starting to be made.

I like to go to extremes with the plans. We have a bay window in the front, which is probably original to the house (1962) and needs to be replaced eventually. So why not push out the whole front wall? Whoops, vaulted ceiling. Never mind. But I can bow the window out a bit more and create a window-seat area which would be very nice. And someday I might just decide to yank up all the carpet and see if there is hardwood underneath. There probably isn’t but you never know.

Just wait until I get going on the garden. Talk about big plans!

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Filed under House

Some random junk

Lost starts up again tonight! As much as I would love to think that I am above TV-watching, I have to admit that I am not. I even watch American Idol. But Lost is the one thing that I will kill people for interrupting, so let’s not call my house while it’s on, ‘kay?

I am angry at chocolate. I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with the chocolate sponge cake I want to make into a jelly roll and why it’s too dry and WON’T ROLL. It breaks. I can’t figure out why. Working on it, though.

My child is currently on a serious waffle kick. She will eat waffles for every meal of every day if I will let her. I’m thinking about getting a waffle iron so I can at least put fruits and vegetables into the batter. However, I know that as soon as I buy or otherwise acquire a waffle iron, she won’t eat waffles anymore. SHE IS NUTS.

My father is currently not speaking to my mother. Apparently, he got pissy about something and decided to sleep in his recliner. This was two weeks ago. He’s still there, according to the email that I got yesterday. Even for our family’s standards, this is taking it a bit far, I think. I’m going to have to call him and ask him what’s up so he can launch into a litany of petty complaints about my mom. Then I’ll have to tell him that he’s acting like a dick and should really stop.

I love the fact that I can talk to my parents this way.

What else… what else…

Freddie starts his new job at his old company on Monday. He felt like he had gone as far as he could go with his current job, and as he started looking for something new, he contacted his former boss for advice and was offered a job pretty much instantly. Sweet. I think it will be a good opportunity for him, even with his trepidation about going back to his old company. We’re going to spend the weekend going through his wardrobe and shopping for clothes to add to it. He’s been able to wear jeans for the last two years, so his suit & tie collection suffered immensely.

I have to paint my living room. It’s really starting to wear on me. Unfortunately, the previous owners did the worst painting job I have ever seen and now I have to paint the damn ceiling, too. The ceiling would need to be painted ANYWAY, but I might have been able to get away with not doing it just now if they hadn’t gotten shit-brown paint roller marks all over it. Fuckers. I hate them.

I keep going back and forth about painting the trim or not. It’s white, and needs to be painted anyway since when it was installed, they didn’t fill in the nail holes and there are hundreds of wee little black specks everywhere. Of all the crazy crap in this house, that pisses me off the most. So it does need to be painted, but I don’t know if I want to paint it white or if I want to do something a little more dramatic. Decisions, decisions.

I suppose the trim color can be decided once I decide what color to paint the walls. I can’t seem to make a decision about this and it’s driving me nuts.

In other Jillian news, she is finally starting to grow some hair. You can’t see the outline of her skull anymore, so that’s a nice change. People have stopped asking me what my son’s name is. Of course, it helps that her winter coat looks like we killed a gay Muppet to make it, but even in the summer when she’s dressed in pink and frills and stuff, people ask me what “his” name is. Teehee.

Whew. I need a nap. I’m battling the beginnings of a cold and I really really don’t want it to escalate because instead of being inches from death for a few days with a quick recovery, I tend to be utterly miserable for months. Between Alka-Seltzer Plus (cherry flavor) and yoga, I feel pretty good today. I have hope.

Speaking of hope, didja see the trade the Mets did? DIDJA?

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Filed under Baseball, Food, Freddie, House, Jillian, Me Me Me, Stuff, TV


I’ve always thought of myself as a bit of a slob. Indeed, my approach to housekeeping can be described as “somewhat lax.” This annoys Freddie sometimes, but he has to remember that he was raised in a more or less sterile environment (very clean and utterly devoid of personality), and I was raised by hippies. You do the math.

However. There is always a ‘however,’ isn’t there?

Slob I may be, but I am quite capable of keeping the house from becoming filthy.

The previous owners of our new house were apparently incapable of doing this. The more I clean the place, the more grossed out I am at just how disgusting the house is. For instance, I cleaned the oven on Saturday. When I opened it up to wipe out the insides, I noticed that the hinges of the doors were full of that greasy dust you tend to see on an oven that hasn’t been cleaned in DECADES. And, had this oven been decades old, I wouldn’t have batted an eyelash.

This oven? Is not quite four years old. Color me grossed out. The window on the top oven (it’s a double) is so grimy, it is impossible to see in when baking. How the hell does this happen? I cooked like a slob in our previous house for three years and only cleaned the oven ONCE and it wasn’t even a tenth as gross as this one is. I am just baffled as to how it got this way. Were they baking caramels or something?

I’m tempted to just replace the oven, but that just isn’t in the budget at the present time.

Same deal with the fridge. The inside was a mess, which is to be expected, but the outside was all nasty, too. The fronts of the cabinets need to be cleaned in a very big way, which I will probably do in the next few weeks. It’s just gross.

And don’t get me started on the outside. The backyard is destroyed, since they had two dogs penned in there. There is a worn track going from one side of the house to the other and if we can ever get grass to grow there, I’ll be shocked.

The front was apparently “professionally landscaped” at some point (this was noted in the real estate listing, too), but it was never ever maintained. I spent a good part of yesterday with my clippers hacking down a beautiful but out-of-control butterfly bush, cursing all the while. I was merciless, and I think I’m going to make Freddie buy me a saw so I can chop down some of the bigger branches and try to shape it a little more. If it dies, it dies. I’ll put something else in there.

Today’s project is the rest of the front landscaping. It is seriously out of control and I think I’m just going to hack it all down and see what survives.

I know it’s rare to buy a house and have everything be exactly how you want it, but this is just… let’s just say the way this house was kept makes my housekeeping (or lack thereof) look like Martha Stewart-level housekeeping. I literally throw up my hands and curse the previous owners a couple times a day.

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Filed under House

Busy bees and butterflies

Here is a list of the things I have been doing for the past week:

1. Packing.

2. Moving.

3. Unpacking.

4. Watching my daughter walk.

5. Unpacking.

6. Looking for things that have been unpacked, then “put away” by my husband.

7. Unpacking.

8. Keeping tabs on the escalating train wreck that is Britney Spears.

9. Putting stuff away.

10. Losing the boxcutters.

11. Yelling at the cat: “This is where we live now. Shut the hell up.”

12. Rearranging the furniture, again, some more.

13. Watching my daughter walk with increasing skill.

14. Thinking about painting the house.

15. Wondering just how much pruning the butterfly bush out front can take, because it needs some serious help but I don’t want to kill it. Yet.

16. Trying to get the dog smell out of the house. It’s not dog pee, but there is definitely Eau de Puppy floating around the house. It’s not bothersome, but… oh wait – it is.

17. Not blogging.

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