Category Archives: Other People

Ironman’s Warrior Poet

RIP Blazeman.

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Filed under Other People

Summer day

We did end up going to the park but we only stayed about 45 minutes. After checking to make sure the swing wasn’t too hot, I put Jillian in it and swung her for about 15 minutes. She absolutely LOVES the swing, and spent the whole time swinging and babbling and singing. She is so incredibly cute! Once I have time to spend here messing with image sizing and uploading, I’ll post some photos of her swinging.

I didn’t want to keep her in the sun too long despite the eighteen gallons of SPF 45 I slathered on her, so we retired to the shade of a big tree. I even put a blanket down for her to sit on because I know she hates grass.

We had a grand old time, watching the birds and the squirrels and the people in their underwear walking around. Oh yes, there was a couple at the park who were laying out in the sun. At first I thought they just had their swimsuits on, but a closer look revealed that they were, in fact, lounging around in their underpantses. The woman had on a bra and undies, and the man had on navy-blue Fruit of The Looms, which I initially mistook for a Speedo. Brave people, them.

There were a couple of other kids there, but nobody Jillian’s age and nobody we know. Most of our buddies live across town and go to a different park, plus it was really quite warm and sunny today so most people probably stayed inside.

It is hot today, no joke. It’s starting to get hot in the house but I’m not going to be the one to turn on the A/C! I’d rather sweat! I think I’m going to go make some iced tea.

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Filed under Jillian, Other People