Category Archives: Stuff

Sunny Sunday

For some unknown reason, the newspaper was delivered to my house this morning. This is a good thing, because now I don’t have to go to the store to get it! We had been getting it delivered on Sundays, but after five weeks in a row of getting it soggy or late, I got fed up and cancelled it. I don’t mind going out to get it, since our grocery store now has a Starbucks and I can get a latte instead of waiting for Freddie’s coffee, which is good but very very strong.

Today is going to be a nice day, I hope. We are going down the shore for tacos and to meet a few of my Imaginary Internet Friends who are going to be in town. Freddie usually just shakes his head when I try to explain my IIFs, but he has his whole ManKind Project thing that he does so it’s the same thing.

I’m hoping DestructoBaby will be pleasant enough for the afternoon. She generally is, but lately she’s been waking up from naps all snarly and pissed off. I have no idea why, since she’s usually quite lovely and charming after having slept for a while. She’s weird. She’s also eleven months old today, which blows my mind. Eleven months? Already? Didn’t I just give birth?

I also have to go to the grocery store, which is starting to make me fiercely angry. The produce in our grocery store is unbelievable shitty. Whole Foods has lovely produce, but it’s fifteen miles away and I always end up buying a whole bunch of shit that looks pretty but that I don’t need and therefore spend eight million dollars. There are a bunch of farm markets nearby, but in order to get everything I want, I generally have to go to at least three of them, which is a pain in my ass and waste of gasoline, which I am very much trying not to do. I suppose Whole Foods splits the difference, but…

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Filed under Me Me Me, Stuff


Urgh. It’s probably due to the grey weather, but I am just not feeling it today. Got lots of things on the list of Things To Do, but I think I’m in that space where there are SO MANY, I don’t know where to start. So I’m going to have to spend some time breaking things down into manageable pieces but even THAT feels like a big job.

We’re going to put the house up for sale, I think. That means there is a shitload of stuff that needs to get done, starting with finding a storage locker in which we can put all of our extra CRAP so that prospective buyers won’t get freaked out by all our clutter. And boy, do we have clutter. Most of it is in the form of yarn and books (whoops), but that stuff is more easily managed if we divest ourselves of all the other junk we happen to own.

This is going to be hard for me, because I am a PackRat and sentimental taboot. I hate throwing things away, especially personal junk like birthday cards and love notes and stuff. I have a birthday card my friend Greg gave me on my 13th birthday. I have the card from the flowers that Henning sent me when I was in the hospital that time. I think I have every note and letter that Cliff ever wrote to me, PLUS my corsage from our first Homecoming.


I had occasion to dig through a box that houses some of my various music books and stuff. I have the audition piece used my freshman year of high school to determine where to place me. I don’t think I have the skills anymore to play it but I might go crazy and give it a shot. Problem is, I don’t know if any of our three saxophones are in playable shape. Not to mention my embouchure is probably non-existent by now. I feel bad that I’ve let it slide but a) I have nowhere to set my shit up and play; and b) I have no one to play with and I’m a shitty soloist.

Maybe I should find a band.

But anyway, we have a lot of junk. Some things are in boxes and HAVE BEEN IN BOXES since we moved FROM INDIANAPOLIS eight years ago. I don’t even KNOW what’s in these boxes anymore. It would be nice to unpack them and see, but I’m not about to do that if I’m just going to end up packing them back up in the event of a move. So those boxes will probably stay as-is for now.

The problem area is Jillian’s closet. It’s a walk-in, and it’s humungous. I think it’s something like 5×7, which is pretty much the size of our bathroom. There’s room for a lot of crap in a space that big, and it’s probably time to have some tough conversations with myself and let some of it go. Some of it is clothing that currently does not fit, so I should probably get rid of most of that.


How can I pitch perfectly good clothes, some of which I am emotionally attached to? They don’t fit NOW, but dudes – I had a baby. Things are different. But not permanent. Wouldn’t it be better to use the clothes that Used To Fit as an incentive to move my fat ass around and make it less fat? I think I’ve plateaued in that I’m not buying anything BIGGER than what I’m currently wearing (and thank god, because the size I’m wearing is embarrassing enough). But the stuff I’m currently wearing isn’t exactly feeling loose and baggy, if you see what I mean. So shouldn’t I keep some of that stuff for when it fits again?

The clutter-busting folks would say no, but those kinds of people tend to be heartless, cold automatons who are capable of throwing away photos of their own kids. Thank God we now live in the digital age or we would have to get a storage locker just for pictures of Jillian. And then we wouldn’t even be thinking about a bigger house because we would have spent all our money getting pictures developed. So Hooray for Technology!

The prospect of throwing things away fills me with alarm, but I know that it’s something I need to do. Is there a support group?

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Filed under House, Me Me Me, Stuff

Brain go SPLAT!

Sometime this morning, between sleep and wakefulness, my brain decided to switch on. And by on, I mean it started going ZOOOOOOOOM!

This is hasn’t happened for quite a while, but it’s good because it means that my Muse is not dead, she is only on vacation or something.

I have a love/hate relationship with my Muse. First of all, I’m pretty sure my Muse has ADD because one day I’ll wake up with “LET’S KNIT!” Other days it’s “LET’S PAINT THE BATHROOM YELLOW!” And on still other days I get “ZZZZZZZ….whuh?”

Today, the Muse woke me up with “DO YOU REMEMBER?” Oh, Muse.

Memory is an odd thing. Seemingly insinificant things stay in the brain forever, while the big things go bye-bye with relative ease. And some things, well, you spend hours, days, years going over and over them again only to see them fade into the faintest whispers.

Then the Muse wakes you up with a bitchslap and it all comes back.

Which is what happened to me today. I have no idea what triggered this particular data-dump, but I’ve been hemorrhaging it onto the screen all morning. I wonder if any of it will be useful. I certainly hope so, since I’ve been feeling all squirmy and uncomfortable whilst writing it.

So I’m wondering. There exist in this world devices which claim to help you improve your memory, and I’m sure some of them even work. After following the program or whatever, you will no longer fumble for phone numbers! You will remember your grocery list! It seems that these things will help you remember things as you encounter them going forward, but does anything similar exist to help you recall things that have already happened?

I know there is such a thing as hypnotism and regression and lots of other psychological tricksy things but I’ve no time for such things. I want something that will allow me to recall say, June 9th, 1992. Not details, necessarily, but maybe what I did and where I went. I could fill in the rest fairly easily after that. Does such a mechanism for memory exist?

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Filed under Me Me Me, Stuff


Red is more my thing. That blue was getting on my nerves.

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Filed under Stuff

One of each, please

I’m not a baby-gear junkie. Even if I could afford to be AND I had the space to put things, I still wouldn’t be one of those “OMG I GOTTA HAVE THIS” people. I tend to find the things that work for me and use them almost exclusively. This explains why I have three pairs of shoes.

However. I have seen this: Me In Mind and I am swooning. Seriously. The shoes alone are making me look around for my wallet because they are insanely cute. INSANELY.

Now, more than ever, I want to get us into a house where I will have a third bedroom so I can get out the sewing gear and make cool things. I could buy the cool things, but I have Scottish blood and I converted to Judaism, so my natural aversion to spending money has increased exponentially.

Seriously, though – this stuff is so cute I’m about to go into diabetic shock. If you don’t hear from me for a couple of days, call and make sure I haven’t died from the cuteness.

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